Our Little *SECRET* Up On the Hill

~Where we'll walk every step of *forever*, together.

To His Glory.

fredag 23. januar 2009

Oioioi, språket som vart vekke...

I dag har eg prøvd å setta English-label på alle dei engelske innlegga mine,
og eg fant ut at det var 56 av dei, og dei siste norske fant eg først etter 20 engelske.
Når eg då har kun 100 innlegg på bloggen min
er det klart at eg har neglisjert morsmålet mitt her. Unnskyld =(

Her er eit norsk innlegg =)
Ein oppdatering? Skal me ta det? Jaja, viss dåke insistere så...

*Eg er 19 år, 8 månader og 3 dagar gammal.

*Eg bur i Bergen heime hos mor&far.

*Eg jobbar (på ein måte, akkurat no har eg ferie) i barnehage.

*I går hadde me besøk av farmor

*I dag får eg besøk av Ingrid (hu superskjønne som e så flink te å tegna og sova i timen)

*I går bakte eg brød

*I dag er eg lat (eller berre overstadig lukkeleg fordi eg endeleg har fått strømkabel på dataen min og kan skriva vidare på "bøkene" mine)

*Eg skal snart ut og handla mat til Ingrid og meg

*I går var eg på Fretex og handla kle

*Dei hadde ingen kjolar

*Eg har lyst på kjole

*Kanskje eg må sy ein kjole??

*Korleis gjer ein det? Dette må eg finna ut.

*Snart skal eg til USA og besøka ei god venninne =)

*Så får eg besøk av nokon som kallar seg "3mx", huh? Veit ikkje kva det betyr.... kan det være eit sprengstoff?

*I går snakka eg med den irske vertsfaren min i telefonen.

*Eg begynte å grina etter at eg la på. Eg trur eg saknar Irland litt.

*Eg skal baka med Ingrid i helga.

*Jesus blei født i ein skitten stall i Betlehem, Judea, berre for å leva blant menneska i trettitre år, berre for å bli drept, berre for mine synder, berre for at eg skulle ha samfunn med Gud, berre for at døden ikkje lenger skulle ha makt over meg, berre for at synda ikkje skulle ha makt over meg lenger, berre for at det same skulle vera ei gåve til deg.

Var eg flink nå?
Gud velsigne dåke!!!

mandag 19. januar 2009

Blessings of a First-Day

Today I'm up. I'm back in the living world.

A world with people, shops, dogs and little roads to nowhere-in-particular. I'm back to everything that can't be found on my bedside table or under my duvet. Or on my pillow.


After three weeks staying in bed I have worked up an appetite for working. For living. For do anything and everything (knowing that I won't even try to accomplish that literally). I ready. Bring it on.


And so I was showered with blessings, again =)





The blessings of listening to the wind howling outside, when you're safe and snug wrapped up in duvets and woollen blankets.


The blessings of holding a precious little cousin, just six months old.


The blessing of all his lovely faces, of his two little teeth already able to mark your fists with red scrapes as he bites and gnawes them.


The blessings of another little cousin, almost two, so alike your own little sister when she was that age that you want to cry.


The blessing of his small hands trying to squeeze the pencil into your own hand so that you can draw him crabs and mice and other wonderful creatures on the paper on the floor.


The blessings of being able to walk on your own two legs to the shop and buy flour and sweets.


And the blessing of those wonderfully, tasty sweets.


The blessing of making two rye-breads with your own hands. And to taste them in the evening fresh from the oven and realize that God made something supremely tasty from the work of your hands.


The blessing of seeing the delight on your parents face as they eat and clearly enjoy.


The blessing of giving something back for all the years of nursing, feeding, cleaning up, tidying, explaining, loving, caring for and providing that they gave to you, receiving little but ungrateful behaviour for all their work.


The blessing of worshiping the Lord with music, and song, even from a very hoarse morning voice.


The blessing to know that Yahweh is good and long to give me good gifts.


That His plans for me are of a future and of hope. His thoughts towards me filled with peace and not anger for my failures.


The blessing of His love.

That the King of Kings has taken interest in me, a sinner.


The blessing of an unprovoked and long-lasting joy throughout the day, and in the afternoon to learn that so many blessings are in store.


The blessing of a long, warm shower, and a head massage

from a servant-hearted mother.


The blessing of many short but bonding conversations throughout the day with one of the people you love the most.


The blessing of having been bought at a price, and paid, to always and forever belong to Him, the Prince of Peace.


The blessing of an unexpected call and soon-coming visit of an old and dear friend.


The blessing of being able to work out, for real.


The blessing of , when a tiredness so demanding that your head falls down on the page you're reading comes, being able to, taking time to go to bed for a short nap.


And they are so many, many more.





May He, who has blessed me so, bless you likewise

and open your eyes to see His good gifts to you,

so that you may thank Him

and give Him glory,

as He deserves.



torsdag 15. januar 2009

2009 - A Year of Organizing

I think I started off well with the title.

*It might give people who know me a good laugh

*It might give me the small but well-placed kick I need to get organized.


I am a messy person.

I can add very without getting extreme,

I can even add extremely without exaggerating.

I am a very, extremely messy

(disorganized, ineffective,

messmaker) person.


And I'm ready for change.


I find myself in a new year,

with a clean slate and new chokes.

And several (meaning many) bad, old habits ready to die =)

I'm the one that classify them as "ready to die", it's not excactly something they've come up with them selves.


I also find myself in a new season of life, as a homemaking daughter in my parents house. Due to some financial difficulty I can't stay at home full time, I have to work, at least for a while. And I do some part-time studies. You see I'll need to be a little more organized. And also since half the point in my staying at home is to help out with the making of the home, there's even more reasons to get organized.


"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

(Ephesians 5:15-16)


Give me one issue this book haven't got any comments on! =)


Of course, all you head-shaking people sitting by your computers thinking "where now did she get THIS from": I did get this idea from somewhere =) Somewhere as specific as Crystal Paine's Biblical Womanhood Blog,

this post to be accurate.


She writes:

For those of us who are home managers,

I believe it is vitally important we seek to

glorify the Lord by being

an efficient and organized

keeper of our home.


And I agree with her, of course.

I have even decided that I am a home manager,

and so I can take her words to heart.


I will make an effort to become organized through this year.


It's not a resolution, it's not even a promise.

It's a goal,

and that, my friends, is a far more valuable thing.


A goal is something to reach out after,

something to constantly measure up to and refocus on,

something to look at and redefine your course after.


I have hereby made my first goal for 2009, await many more.

tirsdag 13. januar 2009

Blog Awards

A little while ago I received two awards for this blog.
It was really an honour to receive them, so thank you:

Samantha for this awesome award =) =)
and really, most of all, thank you for being my friend!!

And thank you Lauren & Abigail for this uber amazing award =) =)
and for being such an inspiration and encouragement to me!!
Here are the rules for the Uber Amazing Award:
You give this award to five bloggers who:
1. Inspire you
2. Make you smile and laugh
3. Give amazing information
4. Are a great read
5. Have an amazing design
6. And any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing!
The rules to this award are:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that for you are Uber Amazing! ***if you don’t have 5 that’s okay.***
3. Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
4. Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.
I would like to pass the Awesome Blog Award to:
because she is from Finnøy, and my friend, and I make her smile and laugh with all my dull jokes =) and she has an awsome blog.
And the Uber Amazing Blog to:
because SHE IS Uber Amazing, and so is her blog
because she makes me smile and laugh, are a great read, are an even greater inspiration, give amazing information, and is a woman I have every intention of befriending =)
because SHE IS IN FACT GERMAN =) and my friend, and my sister and she makes me smile and laugh.

fredag 2. januar 2009

I'm Taking A Break

Just in case anyone's following my Bible Reading Challenge
(in case you haven't noticed)
I want to inform you that I've been taking a break
and will continue to do so for a-I-don't-know-how-long-time.
Er, just in case... someone thinks it's strange that I haven't posted in that label in a while.
You know...just in case.