Our Little *SECRET* Up On the Hill

~Where we'll walk every step of *forever*, together.

To His Glory.

mandag 8. september 2008

More blessings

*clean clothes, coming in after a whole day on the clothesline, smelling sunshine and fresh air..
*a child finally asleep, without coughing or crying
*seeing the cold child's lips turn from purple to red, when she's wrapped in towels and your arms.
*a child learning to knit for the first time
*a little girl in a white apron, mixing the bread dough with her wooden mixing spoon.
*a laughing baby
*pasta, beef and fresh tomatosauce when you've been too busy to eat all day since breakfast
*a beautiful night sky
*hot apple stew and custard
*a wonderful hot shower in the evening
*snuggle up in bed after a long, exhausting day
*to know that you are loved beyond measure
*being wrapped in God's love
*to fall asleep listening to His soothing voice

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Eg er glad i deg. tenker på deg. håper du har det bra, håper du har det veldig bra, selv om det er litt stress i blant. eg er gla i deg!

Anonym sa...

Jeg savner deg, men jeg kan ikke alltid ha deg for meg selv, kan jeg vel?
Ha det veldig fint til neste gang vi snakkes!
Count your blessings, dear one!

Anonym sa...

Dearest åslaug, I have been trying to email you, but all my notes sent to the yahoo address a loveable precious world keep getting returned to me as undeliverable. Do you have another address that you can email me from, that I can try and write to you through---and see if that works? Whenever you get a chance. Love you.

åslaug abigail sa...

Ingri: Eg e så glad i deg! Eg e så glad her =)
Ingvild: Jeg savner deg òg! I'm counting, my only problem is I don't know a number high enough to measure properly..
Dear Jewels: I'm sending this to you on yahoo, but in case you don't get it: Try aaslaugskjAThotmailDOTcom, it might not work (it didn't before); but if it doesn't just comment here and I'll try to find another.