Our Little *SECRET* Up On the Hill

~Where we'll walk every step of *forever*, together.

To His Glory.

torsdag 15. januar 2009

2009 - A Year of Organizing

I think I started off well with the title.

*It might give people who know me a good laugh

*It might give me the small but well-placed kick I need to get organized.


I am a messy person.

I can add very without getting extreme,

I can even add extremely without exaggerating.

I am a very, extremely messy

(disorganized, ineffective,

messmaker) person.


And I'm ready for change.


I find myself in a new year,

with a clean slate and new chokes.

And several (meaning many) bad, old habits ready to die =)

I'm the one that classify them as "ready to die", it's not excactly something they've come up with them selves.


I also find myself in a new season of life, as a homemaking daughter in my parents house. Due to some financial difficulty I can't stay at home full time, I have to work, at least for a while. And I do some part-time studies. You see I'll need to be a little more organized. And also since half the point in my staying at home is to help out with the making of the home, there's even more reasons to get organized.


"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

(Ephesians 5:15-16)


Give me one issue this book haven't got any comments on! =)


Of course, all you head-shaking people sitting by your computers thinking "where now did she get THIS from": I did get this idea from somewhere =) Somewhere as specific as Crystal Paine's Biblical Womanhood Blog,

this post to be accurate.


She writes:

For those of us who are home managers,

I believe it is vitally important we seek to

glorify the Lord by being

an efficient and organized

keeper of our home.


And I agree with her, of course.

I have even decided that I am a home manager,

and so I can take her words to heart.


I will make an effort to become organized through this year.


It's not a resolution, it's not even a promise.

It's a goal,

and that, my friends, is a far more valuable thing.


A goal is something to reach out after,

something to constantly measure up to and refocus on,

something to look at and redefine your course after.


I have hereby made my first goal for 2009, await many more.

7 kommentarer:

SamanthaMarie sa...

You go girl! I know that you can accomplish this goal, and it IS important. It's important to be organized because I think that's one way women survive marriage and parenthood (:

I really enjoyed this post. You should keep us updated throughout the year on how this goal goes. I'll be praying for you!!

Anonym sa...

Veldig stolt av deg! =)
Lykke til!
Fint bilde forresten :D Er det/ har det virkelig vært så mye snø hjemme??

Anonym sa...

Eg ønskjer deg lukke til, og så ser eg fram til å koma til eit organisert heim i midten av februar.

Marita sa...

Glede meg og te å sjå deg i februar, å ja eg lo litt når eg leste d :P Men eg trur du klare d ;)

Camilla sa...

Fint innlegg=) Enig; hold oss oppdatert.

Æ heie på dæ=)

Anonym sa...

eg sendte deg ein melding på facebook, men eg fant utav at du kanskje e litt meir aktiv her enn på facebok:P kan eg få porstadresso di? og kanskje det norska tlf nret ditt og?
har go tru på at du klare å bli meir organisert foresten:)

gla i deg!

åslaug abigail sa...

SAMANTHA MARIE: Oh, I didn't know we were supposed to survive that =) just messing with you =) thanks for prayers, I'll keep you updated!
ALLER KJÆRASTE SYSTER: Mamma (eller noen som har stjålet kameraet hennes) har tatt det bildet, og jeg tipper snøen ikke er manipulert inn... Det er nok tatt da vinteren kom til Bergen, i høst.
MARIANNE: Ja, eg får litt sånn ekstra energi til å jobba når eg får sånne (koselege) truslar =) Eg skal prøva å ikkje skuffa =)
MARITA: Eg VISSTE du kom te å le, da va deg eg tenkte på når eg skreiv det =) glede meg te å skoda deg eg og!!
Takk for hei'en =) den komme nok godt med! Glede meg te å sjå deg på butikken!!!
Eg ska stjela mobilnummeret ditt frå nokon eg kjenner, så skal eg senda deg alt =)
Saknar deg, gode ven!
Glad på deg!