Det er ikke tvil om at samfunnet forandrer seg, likevel er det helst formene som endres, kjernen er det samme. Sigrid Undset sa det slik: ”Ti sed og skikk forandres meget, alt som tiderne lider og menneskenes tro forandres og de tænker annerledes om mange ting. Men menneskenes hjerter forandres aldeles intet i alle dager”. (Ørjasæter, 1993, 11) Slik har det alltid vært, slik vil det trolig alltid være. De eldre vil alltid hevde ting var bedre før. Ungdommen vil alltid ha ord på seg for å slite mindre, oppføre seg verre og velge dårligere enn sine foreldre. ”Men det var rart med foreldre, dei hadde alltid vore så mykje betre i alle ting, dei.” (Holt, 1995, 52) Allerede på filosofen Sokrates tid ble ungdommen uglesett;
”De unge foretrekker nå for tiden luksus, de har dårlige manerer, fornekter autoritet, har ingen respekt for eldre mennesker og prater når de egentlig skulle arbeide. De unge reiser seg ikke opp lenger når gamle folk kommer inn i værelset. De motsier foreldrene sine, skryter i selskaper, sluker søtsaker når de sitter ved bordet, legger bena over hverandre og tyranniserer sine lærere.” (I1)
Og det slutter ikke der. Historien gjentar seg, og vi hører det igjen: ”De unge i dag vet ikke hva slit er”. Åpenbart har de unge aldri visst, og i alle fall visste foreldrene bedre. Men hva er årsakene til påstanden ovenfor? Hva fremkalte den? Hvilke tiltak kan eventuelt endre de unges holdninger til det å slite?
Vi begynner med årsakene. I dagens samfunn er livet blitt enklere enn før. Verden og hverdagslivet er mer modernisert enn noen gang. Vi har kjøleskap, komfyr, mikrobølgeovn, kjøkkenmaskiner og oppvaskmaskiner. Det fysiske slitet for å opprettholde livet er nærmest ikke-eksisterende. Ungdom fra gård og skogsarbeidere er omtrent de eneste som kjenner til arbeid i den gamle forstanden, som kjenner til træler i hendene og jord under neglene. Men selv på gårdene er livet forenklet. Slåmaskiner, pakkemaskiner, hydraulikk og mekanikk, alle er de hjelpemidler som har gjort tungt arbeid lett, og som har fått det gamle alternativet til å høres nesten umulig ut.
Livet ellers har også endret seg. Selve samfunnet har endret seg. Det er mer fokus på fritid og egeninteresser enn det var før. Flere og flere ungdommer har fått akademisk utdannelse. Myke hender og fingertupper herdet av lite annet enn touch-metoden er ikke vanskelig å finne. Slitet har blitt usynlig. For bak tynne papirark og skrapende stolbein ligger slitet. Det psykiske slitet som sliter på hjernebark og psyke. Alle ting som skal tenkes over, som skal læres, alt som skal vurderes. Det holder ikke å jobbe, dagens ungdom må tenke. De må tenke ut nye løsninger, nye oppgaver og takle nye situasjoner. De må prestere, og gjøre det med glans. Det er neppe en tilfeldighet at hver femte ungdom sliter med psykiske problemer. Slitet har blitt mer psykisk enn fysisk. Det fysiske slitet er synlig, det psykiske usynlig.
En annen forklaring kan være at livet leves i et nytt tempo. I tidligere tider gikk alt saktere. Tiden før biler og mekanisering. Tiden før datastyringen. Livet var roligere. Klart omveltningene var store, men likevel gikk det langsomt. I dag lever ungdommen et jetset- liv. De reiser, oppdager verdens land på ny gjennom egne øyne. Flyet skal rekkes, regninger betales. Dagens ungdom har nettbank og ungdomskort. Å betale regninger krever kun et tastetrykk, å betale bussen å fremvise kort med magnetstripe. Vi går ikke lenger til skolen, det tar for lang tid. Vi stresser gjennom ungdomstida, sparer tid og sløser penger. Stress er den nye folkesykdommen. Stresset er et slit, også for ungdom. Vi er et produkt av vår egen tid, det betyr ikke at vi er immune.
Kanskje er ”det gamle slitet” i dagens samfunn også unødvendig. Kanskje har ungdommen mistet slitet av syne fordi det ikke er nødvendig å se det. Livet med alle dets maskiner, forenklinger og snarveier, har gjort slitet overflødig. Unge i dag må ikke slite, må de da vite hva det er? Dagens samfunn er et livsnytersamfunn. Livet skal nytes, hvorfor streve? Slit var slikt de drev med i eldre tider. Ungdom i dag blir sett på som rendyrkede epikureere. Kanskje er vi det. Kanskje ble vi det. Mest trolig er vi oppdratt til det. Ikke av foreldre, ikke av de eldre som forteller oss at vi er redde for å arbeide. Men av media, magasiner og internett. Hvem står bak disse kildene? Ikke vi. Kanskje våre foreldre. Men selvsagt ikke akkurat våre foreldre. Det er selvsagt de andre voksne. De som ikke tenker et sekund på vår lettpåvirkelighet og umodenhet. Vi blir opplært til latskap, og for latskap blir vi kritisert.
Om vi så da erkjenner vårt manglende fysiske slit og vårt manglende behov for å vite av det. Hvilke tiltak kan så endre våre holdninger? Bør teknologi bannlyses, papirarbeid brennes? Neppe. Det er enklere veier. Slitet kan få verdien igjen. Men da må vi jobbe for det. Ungdom må læres opp til verdien av fysisk arbeid. Fremdeles hugges veden manuelt, sauer blir sanket til fots i fjellet, gulvet kan enda skures på kne. Om noen år skjønner vi det kanskje, at fysisk slit er sunnere, at det er bedre å slite ut kroppen enn sinnet.
”De unge i dag vet ikke hva slit er”. Vi lever et liv i raskt tempo, stresset skummer på overflaten. Epikureernes ånd skinner ut av omgivelsene, arbeid til livets opphold er unødvendig. Vår tidsalder er ikke slitets tidsalder. Det er sliternes. For de unge i dag sliter. De sliter kraftig. Vi reiser ikke bautaer, vi jakter ikke bjørn, vi vasker ikke klærne våre i bekken. Men vi sliter. Vi sliter med å leve, med å bære byrden av oss selv og ansvaret for vår egen lykke. Vi sliter så det holder. Så vet dere det.
fredag 26. oktober 2007
lørdag 20. oktober 2007
Like Mary, Jonathan and Ruth..

It's been a very long time since I wrote, I'll try to be less absent in the future =)
Yesterday I started reading a book of Francine Rivers (one of my favourite writers) called "Unafraid" ("Maria" in Norwegian). It's the last book in "The Lineage of Grace"-series. The five books are about five women, whom God chose, to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ. The five are:
Tamar -Unveiled
Rahab -Unashamed
Ruth -Unshaken
Batsheba -Unspoken
Mary -Unafraid
I've been reading all of them, but "Unafraid" is the first that I've actually started to read from beginning to end. It's my desire to read all of them, they have learned me so much, just the little glimses I've had of them, that I'm curious to find out what secret blessings they really contain when being read properly. I'm a woman, following God, as they were.
I really see the value in studying the different characters in the Bible. They we're ordinary people, unique and special in their own way (like we are). God loved them, as He loves us, and He wanted them to serve Him, just as He wants for us. The people we meet in the Bible, had the same choice that we have, to follow God, or not to follow Him. Some of them chose to follow. To say "yes", even when emptying the ocean would seem like an easier and more natural task. We have a lot to learn from them, thay should be our ideals, the way we would want to be. Why don't we read their stories, prey that we may have the faith they had, that we may avoid the mistakes they did, and that we may be tools for God, laying down our lives; Like they did.
Why don't we teach our children (or little sisters or brother, friends and nephews) to be little Davids, Ruths, Tamars and Esthers? I think we should.
"The Sons of Encouragement"-series (by Francine Rivers):
Aaron -The Priest
Caleb -The Warrior
Jonathan -The Prince
Amos -The Prophet
Silas -The Scribe
There are plenty of books written about the Bible's characters, I have knowledge to these books, I know they're good, that's why I mention them. I'm sure there are other good books on the subject out there too.
For the Children, there's a book called "Bible Stories for Growing Kids", another well written book of Francine Rivers&Shannon Rivers Coibion.
To read from the first chapters from all these books, that I've mentioned, go here:
Click: Read more,
and then: Book Previews
Just a little note of encouragement,
happy reading!!
(and of course, do not forget to read the stories in The Scripture either)
May God bless you all, may you dance for Him like David, turn to Him like Rahab, may you have grace like Batsheba, may you trust Him like Abraham, and may He forever keep you enclosed in His everlasting love.
"The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea,
I have loved thee with an everlasting love:
therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee."
Jeremiah 31:3
søndag 7. oktober 2007
Rest on Sunday
This is SUNDAY.
Best day of the week, my favourite.
Today, it’s even better. It’s Sunday Morning. =)
Last Sunday I went to the Church with my father. The Pastor was talking about...(can you guess?).. right. Resting on Sundays. I just thought I’d share some thoughts on the subject =)
“And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.”
Genesis 2:2-3
Resting on Sundays. I’ve never heard it being spoken of in a Church before. Maybe I just wasn’t there when they brought it up. Maybe some people considered it less important than other things? Maybe it isn’t. I’d say it is important to rest one day a week. Actually, I’ll do more than that. I’ll claim it. It is important. Some people work on Sundays. I’m not saying they should quit their jobs. Misunderstand me the right way. It’s not the Sunday that’s important. Originally the day of rest spoken of in the Old Testament was Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath. The Christians made it Sunday because Jesus rose from the grave on a Sunday.
The important thing is to rest one day a week. My mother usually say, when I’m tired and complaining after a hard week going to school and struggeling with other things, “When Our Lord needed a day off after creating the world, then you must be able to rest one day too.”
So I do. I rest. Usually, on other days, I wake up at six of clock, spend time with God and after that organize the day, before going to breakfast. Today, is Sunday, I’m not organizing. Today’s the day of “nothing’s happening”. Oh, what a blessed, blessed day =)
It’s not like the Sunday (or whatever day you may choose to be your day of rest) should be a boring day, like in the old times. You weren’t allowed to do anything but to sit completely still, except from going to church, or maybe read a little in The Bible. Going far back in time, you even had to eat cold food, because you weren’t allowed to work, and cooking counted as work.
Going back to the time that Jesus lived on earth, in the Jewish community, there was made hundreds of rules to help that the Sabbath was being held. When Jesu disiples was plucking ears of corn on the Sabbath, the Pharisees ment they were breaking the rules that God had set. But in reality they were only breaking the rules that men had set to keep Gods rules from being broken, which is a totally different thing. Listen to Jesus answer in the text.
“And it came to pass, that he went through the corn fields on the sabbath day; and his disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears of corn. And the Pharisees said unto him, Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful? And he said unto them, Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungred, he, and they that were with him? How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shewbread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him? And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.”
Marcus 2:23-28
The Sabbath was made for man, not the other way. It’s here to help us, not to punish us. I know people that sometimes is given the blessing (would I say, they may not agree) of a holiday. Then they’ll be sitting there, for as many days as the holiday may last, “”grumbling”” and murmuring complain of the fact that they don’t have anything to do. That they can’t do anything, because they’re having a day off. If you’re among these, don’t bore yourself. Take your day off to rest, but remember that resting could be anything. Resting can be spending time with God, doing something fun you usually never have the time to do. Resting can be travelling, go on a picnic, singing, rejoyce, spending time with your spouse or children, doing others a serving, just sitting there looking lazy, or sleeping (all day if you want to).
I can tell what resting day is to me:
*Spending time with God
*Going to church
*Sewing, which I seldom have the time to do
*Blogging, as now
*Spending time with friends and family
*Planning presents for Christmas
*Baking a cake, which I love to do
*Knitting, writing letters
*Drinking tea
*Being lazy =)
On Sundays, I never:
*Do homework or practice to tests at school, no matter if the test is tomorrow and I haven’t read the chapter yet, or I if I have heaps of undone homework being checked tomorrow...
*Clean the house, my room, or whatever is to be done
*Do the laundry.
(nothing wrong with any of them, it just feels like work, and I’m resting..)
I promise. It’s lovely to be taking the Sunday (or whatever day you may choose) off.
You won’t be the same person again!
Today, I’ve just finished my morning tea, and my cinnamon buns (couldn’t find a proper word for “kanelboller”, so I made one) which was for breakfast. I’m still in my pyjamas. I’m knitting. And I will be doing it for as long as I feel like. It’s Sunday. Not just a “”helligdag”””, but a Holy day =)
“Dette er dagen som Herren har gjort; La oss fryde oss og glede oss på den!”
Salme 118:24
”This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalm 118:24
Have a lovely Sunday, I pray that it will be as blessed a day as mine have been till now.
The Lord bless you all!
Best day of the week, my favourite.
Today, it’s even better. It’s Sunday Morning. =)
Last Sunday I went to the Church with my father. The Pastor was talking about...(can you guess?).. right. Resting on Sundays. I just thought I’d share some thoughts on the subject =)
“And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.”
Genesis 2:2-3
Resting on Sundays. I’ve never heard it being spoken of in a Church before. Maybe I just wasn’t there when they brought it up. Maybe some people considered it less important than other things? Maybe it isn’t. I’d say it is important to rest one day a week. Actually, I’ll do more than that. I’ll claim it. It is important. Some people work on Sundays. I’m not saying they should quit their jobs. Misunderstand me the right way. It’s not the Sunday that’s important. Originally the day of rest spoken of in the Old Testament was Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath. The Christians made it Sunday because Jesus rose from the grave on a Sunday.
The important thing is to rest one day a week. My mother usually say, when I’m tired and complaining after a hard week going to school and struggeling with other things, “When Our Lord needed a day off after creating the world, then you must be able to rest one day too.”
So I do. I rest. Usually, on other days, I wake up at six of clock, spend time with God and after that organize the day, before going to breakfast. Today, is Sunday, I’m not organizing. Today’s the day of “nothing’s happening”. Oh, what a blessed, blessed day =)
It’s not like the Sunday (or whatever day you may choose to be your day of rest) should be a boring day, like in the old times. You weren’t allowed to do anything but to sit completely still, except from going to church, or maybe read a little in The Bible. Going far back in time, you even had to eat cold food, because you weren’t allowed to work, and cooking counted as work.
Going back to the time that Jesus lived on earth, in the Jewish community, there was made hundreds of rules to help that the Sabbath was being held. When Jesu disiples was plucking ears of corn on the Sabbath, the Pharisees ment they were breaking the rules that God had set. But in reality they were only breaking the rules that men had set to keep Gods rules from being broken, which is a totally different thing. Listen to Jesus answer in the text.
“And it came to pass, that he went through the corn fields on the sabbath day; and his disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears of corn. And the Pharisees said unto him, Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful? And he said unto them, Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungred, he, and they that were with him? How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shewbread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him? And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.”
Marcus 2:23-28
The Sabbath was made for man, not the other way. It’s here to help us, not to punish us. I know people that sometimes is given the blessing (would I say, they may not agree) of a holiday. Then they’ll be sitting there, for as many days as the holiday may last, “”grumbling”” and murmuring complain of the fact that they don’t have anything to do. That they can’t do anything, because they’re having a day off. If you’re among these, don’t bore yourself. Take your day off to rest, but remember that resting could be anything. Resting can be spending time with God, doing something fun you usually never have the time to do. Resting can be travelling, go on a picnic, singing, rejoyce, spending time with your spouse or children, doing others a serving, just sitting there looking lazy, or sleeping (all day if you want to).
I can tell what resting day is to me:
*Spending time with God
*Going to church
*Sewing, which I seldom have the time to do
*Blogging, as now
*Spending time with friends and family
*Planning presents for Christmas
*Baking a cake, which I love to do
*Knitting, writing letters
*Drinking tea
*Being lazy =)
On Sundays, I never:
*Do homework or practice to tests at school, no matter if the test is tomorrow and I haven’t read the chapter yet, or I if I have heaps of undone homework being checked tomorrow...
*Clean the house, my room, or whatever is to be done
*Do the laundry.
(nothing wrong with any of them, it just feels like work, and I’m resting..)
I promise. It’s lovely to be taking the Sunday (or whatever day you may choose) off.
You won’t be the same person again!
Today, I’ve just finished my morning tea, and my cinnamon buns (couldn’t find a proper word for “kanelboller”, so I made one) which was for breakfast. I’m still in my pyjamas. I’m knitting. And I will be doing it for as long as I feel like. It’s Sunday. Not just a “”helligdag”””, but a Holy day =)
“Dette er dagen som Herren har gjort; La oss fryde oss og glede oss på den!”
Salme 118:24
”This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalm 118:24
Have a lovely Sunday, I pray that it will be as blessed a day as mine have been till now.
The Lord bless you all!
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