Psalm 18:2
2. Samuel 22:32
Yes, dear PomPom, I am going to blog when I do come home:
.I'm home!
And I have the swine flu.
And I have the swine flu.
But apart from that I'm doing super good!!!
I had a wonderful trip! I don't have any pictures, because I don't have a camera, but I'll try to post some next week (my sister, Ingvild, visited me for ten days while I was in America, and she took a bunch of pictures) when Ingvild comes home for a visit.
So, the pictures are from my walk in the woods last February. That was a nice walk.
The past three months I've:
The past three months I've:
~milked the cow, by hand
~felt a calf kick in her big huge belly
~made good friends
~dug up potatoes
~seen the Lord at work in my life
~and in others (hard to say which have been more exciting)
~written letters
~moved horse fencings
~ moved cow fencings
~held my favourite baby
~again and again
~and again
~had lots of long, nice talks
~early mornings in the quiet with God
~had root beer floats
~went for (actually just one) buggy ride
~had wonderful meat loaf
~learned a whole lot of new hymns
The Lord is doing wonderful confidential stuff in my life,
please pray that everything will work out.
åslaug abigail
8 kommentarer:
Så kjekt å høyra i frå deg!! :o) Du må ha god betring, så du blir kvitt nøffesjuka.
Stor klem frå Marianne
Takk takk =)
desinfisert virtuell klem til Marianne òg!
Welcome back !
I hope you'll recover fast from the flu. I look forward more stories about your stay with lovely Jewels and her precious family.
God bless you !
Oh you dear, dear one! Your pictures are holy and sweet! I wish you'd write a book. Your writer's voice is warm and true and your light-hearted quips are inspiring. Also, (and most importantly) your relationship with the God of the Universe is strength giving. I am so sorry you are ill. Please get better soon and tell us all the truths that are on your heart. I'm so happy to hear from you!
Hello aslaug!
Good to hear from you again! I'm sorry to hear you have the swine flu. We have also recently had that and are recovering from it. I look forward to seeing your pictures. :-)
Your list of accomplishments/experiences over the past few months is very impressive! It's always nice to make a list of things so you can see what you've done. But there's so much more to the story in the "doing" of those things as well.
I look forward to hearing from you again. Rest up, my friend.
~Karen in Ohio
Hello Aslaug !
I wonder how are you doing, hopefully the flu has gone :)
God bless you with a new wonderful week !
Hi there, I came home and realised I had the flu the day before I posted, so I'm afraid it's not gone yet. But it will be.
And meanwhile, I have a lot of time to read, blog, sleep and talk on the phone =)
Hope you all have a wonderful week!!
åslaug abigail
Flaks at du desinfiserte klemmen. :o)
Eg høyrer rykter om at du kjem innom i januar. Eg gler meg til å treffa deg igjen. Det byrjer å bli ei god stund sidan sist.
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