Our Little *SECRET* Up On the Hill

~Where we'll walk every step of *forever*, together.

To His Glory.

lørdag 8. november 2008

Fourth Day of the Challenge

Jeremiah 10-12
What it meant to me:
God tells us to not think or act like the people around us, people of this world that do not belong to Him, we shall not fear what they fear, because we know Him, and that is a totally different reality.
He describe in detail how false the heathen gods are and how they make no harm (!), but neither no good. He say that all human beings are stupid and unwise. He also make it clear that the reason He brings them into tribulation, is not His wreath alone, but so that we/the people of Israel shall find Him.
He describes His people like a olive tree, and that explains how He created us, placed us where we are, uphold our life, and also how little we are, how easy we can be attacked and disappear from the Earth. He calls us “my beloved”.
emiah discuss with God, and even as he does, acknowledge that He is always right. He asks the hard questions, why everything works out for bad people, why people who don’t believe are safe and not in danger of bad things. God is the One who created them and upholds their life.
I think Gods answer is in the next paragraphs, where He says that in His time, He will punish the nations whom He today gives victory over Israel. He uses them for punishment and to make the people, His beloved, find Him, and later, He will punish them for their sins against His people. For they will be cruel.
I guess that if God was so small and easy to understand, that even I could do it, it wouldn’t be much reason to believe in Him after all.

Peace to you,

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