Guess who woke up this morning, carefully lifted one end of a dish towel hiding a bowl of milk, just to dip her finger in it to see whether it had the consistence of thick yoghurt or thin milk? And guess who was more than a little bit excited (and the proudest gal in the world) when she discovered it was YOGHURT!!!
So here's what she did with that yoghurt...
(you know when it's about bathing temperature =)
Then she added 2-3 tablespoons of store bought yoghurt (not the diet type) to it and stirred till it dissolved. Then she wrapped a bath towel around the container and put the dishtowel over the top, so that the mixture could get enough air without bugs or dust. And she went to bed.
And at 6 am this morning. She had YOGHURT!! =) =) =) =)
It looked perfect,
the consistence was perfect,
the taste was perfect.
(it's beyond me how it could develop from me doing practically nothing, though)
I'm thankful for yoghurt.
And for the Lord being good and working through everything perfectly,
despite me acting like a whiny kid...
despite me acting like a whiny kid...
åslaug abigail
Oh, and I used no metal utensils (except for heating the milk), but I don't know if that matters at all, just thought I should mention it... And the other thing, that I do know for a fact, if you want to use your own yoghurt as starter the next time, put a few tablespoons away before you stir it up. My starter is in the photo above. You might want to use a little more as starter of your own, than you do of the store bought yoghurt.
7 kommentarer:
I am very proud of you!
I have to try that myself!
I can even do it with milk straight from the cow =) (as close as one can get at least)
I'll go buy some yogurth today.
Or on monday maybe, it's sort of pouring down right now =P
Love you!
I have long had "making yogurt on my list of things to try. We do eat a lot of yogurt, we like Greek yogurt and some of the yogurts at Trader Joe's. (A store here in the states)
I do have a question:
Where/How do you incubate your yogurt? Do you have a wood stove?
I think I just need to get motivated to do this! Thanks for the inspiration, Aslaug. :)
~Karen in Ohio
I had wanted to make yoghurt for a long time too, I just never tried it until now. And I'm starting on my third batch tonight.
I'm not blessed with a wood stove at the moment =)I just wrapped the container in a towel and put it in a warm corner of the kitchen (it's warmer there because of the electric lights fourteen inches over the counter) and hoped for the best. And it worked out fine, though, the closer to the 140F the better.
I guess that would work in on how long you have to let it sit. My yoghurt sat for 12 hours (it said 12-16 in my great grandmother's cook book), and then I put it in the fridge. On the other batch I, erm, slept in, and it sat for about sixteen before I got up and put it in the fridge, that one tasted slightly different and was more liquid (though only till I put it in the fridge).
Thank you for answering my question! I do have another one...was the yogurt more mild tasting if it sat for less time, and was it more tart if the yogurt sat for a longer period of time? Also, do you mix anything into it, like vanilla, raw sugar, etc.?
I'm getting up some courage to try my hand at making some this week. I'm so glad you posted this! Sometimes it takes the younger crowd to help us (slightly) older folks to try something new!! ~smile~
Thank you for your very kind comment on my blog. I'm trying to get in the hang of being more regular, but real life often calls me away. I do enjoy writing on it, though.
Have a wonderful day, dear Aslaug.
~Karen in Ohio
Well, I've been wondering what you've been up to! Way to go! I hope you are enjoying a red and green celebration of Advent! What else is happening in your life? God bless you, dearest!
Eg trur eg hadde syns at yoghurt-laging var skummelt.
Eg vil uansett ønska deg ei fantastisk førjulstid.
Å, i like måte, Marianne! Eg har planar om å senda dåke eit julekort, men eg har verken laga, skrive eller sendt det enno, så det er vel tvilsomt om det kjem fram i år...
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